What is an OSHPD OSP?

I find that there is a lot of confusion around what OSHPD and OSHPD OSPs actually are. This article seeks to give an objective definition of both OSHPD and the OSHPD OSP program.

What is an OSHPD OSP?

OSHPD OSP stands for OSHPD Special Seismic Certification Pre-approval. So, by name, it is a pre-approval. Pre-approval in this sense means that the equipment has already been reviewed and approved for use on projects under OSHPD’s jurisdiction. Therefore, an OSHPD OSP is a product certification that meets the requirements of OSHPD and the California Building Code.

Please note: as I’ll discuss below, an OSHPD OSP is only meant for hospital projects in California. However, they are often accepted in other jurisdictions throughout the country.

What is the OSHPD OSP program, and how do you obtain an OSP?

Before I dive too deep into the OSHPD OSP program, I would like to provide a few resources:

The OSHPD OSP program was created by OSHPD as a voluntary program to reduce the time needed to complete project specific seismic certification reviews. The word voluntary is often misunderstood here. Seismic certification is mandatory on projects; using the pre-approval program is voluntary. If you don’t use the OSP program, you would still need to perform seismic testing and/or analysis on the equipment in question.

So, why use the program? It makes selling to multiple hospital projects streamlined and straightforward. Once a manufacturer has an OSP, they do not need to worry about time-consuming or complex project submittals. They can simply reference the approved OSP.

How do you get an OSP?

Shake table testing. That is the only way. I often get asked if you can get an OSP by analysis. The answer is a flat no. This is where the voluntary part comes in. Although seismic certification can be done using analysis for certain situations, the OSHPD OSP program only allows seismic testing.

The specific requirements are somewhat dependent on the type of equipment, but the following are the basic requirements applicable to all products:

  • Minimum of two test units per manufacturer per mounting configuration
  • Test the largest unit of each material available
  • Units must maintain structural integrity and functionality after the test

What OSHPD is

OSHPD stands for Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development of California. OSHPD only regulates health care facilities, and it only does so in California. OSHPD has no jurisdiction over other types of buildings in California, and it has no jurisdiction whatsoever outside of California.

Per their website (hcai.ca.gov), OSHPD “monitors the construction, renovation, and seismic safety of hospitals and skilled nursing facilities.” OSHPD, in conjunction with the California Building Code, creates the requirements for seismic safety of their facilities.

What OSHPD is not

OSHPD is not a national regulatory agency, and OSHPD does not create or impose requirements outside of California.

Although OSHPD requirements show up on projects across the country, OSHPD has nothing to do with projects outside of healthcare in California. Specifying engineers, building departments, and building owners often put OSHPD requirements on their project because they know that OSHPD is a recognized authority and that equipment meeting OSHPD requirements will likely meet or exceed the requirements of the project.

If you would like to discuss this topic further, please send me an email (derek@manwillse.com). I am always happy to help.


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